Monday, October 24, 2011

Champ's Finger

I think I'm finally ready to post about Channing's traumatic finger accident, six weeks after it happened. Channing got his left index finger caught in the cord of our blinds while jumping from the couch to the love sac and it tore off his fingertip. It was awful. Luckily, Heavenly Father blessed us with a little boy who has incredible strength and mental toughness.He cried for a few minutes after it happened but hasn't cried or complained about it since. Even though we were able to find the missing piece of his finger,  the doctor chose not to reattach it. We worried a lot and prayed a lot, as we wanted the best possible outcome for Channing's little finger. Well, six weeks and some surgery later, Channing's finger is miraculously healing. He lost the entire fingernail and even some below it, but somehow it seems to be regenerating itself and the nail bed is beginning to reform- pretty incredible. Channing hasn't let it slow him down one bit. The Chan man is pretty amazing. Here are a few pictures. Sorry if it grosses you out.
Here's Channing, a couple days after, doing his favorite thing- playing catch with Dad. The doctor told him to take it easy....... that doesn't work for the Chan man. Sadly, the accident happened only a few hours before Channing was to have his first night of Clovis Flag Football League. He'll have to wait for next year.
This is how wrapped up it was for those first few weeks. My friend Angie helped me clean the wound and re wrap it everyday for those first few weeks because it was just too much for me to look at.  She was an angel!

Luckily this picture isn't too gory. This was taken one week after.
I will post some more recent pictures so you can see the remarkable healing. It is truly a miracle! I'm grateful for experiences that strengthen our faith and remind us that we can do hard things. Earlier that day, I had been reading Elder Lynn G. Robbin's talk from April General Conference. I had prayed for opportunities to help my children recognize who they are instead of focusing on the things they do. Anyways, it was interesting how this experience turned out to be a defining experience for Channing and highlighted what a strong and noble spirit he is. Careful what you pray for, I guess. :)

"In helping children discover who they are and helping strengthen their self-worth, we can appropriately compliment their achievement or behavior—the do. But it would be even wiser to focus our primary praise on their character and beliefs—who they are."


  1. Wow!! What a tough little guy!! That's terrifying!! Glad he's doing better!

  2. Oh Kenz!! Im so sorry!! It's a good thing Channing is such a stud and confident in who he is that it won't hold him down! I dated a guy in college that is missing the tip of this first finger too. It happens unfortunately :( it's a great time to teach him about what will happen to him when he's resurrected as well ( though I'm sure you already have)! What a good mommy you are!
