Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Going Bananas Over Here!!

My kids make me laugh. They get a lot of my attention. Sometimes they get too much of their mom's attention. This becomes a problem when (every so often) their mom needs to actually get something done or make a phone call. My kids, who are so used to having plenty of mom's attention, suddenly become like a circus act and do all the things that they are NOT supposed to do, like......

eating in the living room! This was just too good to not document. Lulu looked so guilty when I came around the corner and she was eating a giant banana on the sofa. I know I should be tougher, but come on, who can get mad at this....
Perhaps even funnier was this just below her on the floor........

Little monkeys indeed!

Scarlett's walking has really turned a corner in the past few days. She is getting so busy. The other day she escaped out the open garage door. We frantically looked all over the house for her and then the doorbell rang. Our neighbor, Reagan, was holding Scarlett on the doorstep. I'm a great mother, I know.

Love this chubby little lady!

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