Channing requested some basketball and baseball cookies to take and share with his class.
Last year he had a basketball cake, so this year we did a football cake, a BYU football cake no less.
Channing woke up on his birthday to find new BYU basketball shorts and a Jimmer t-shirt on his dresser.As well as a shiny new basketball from Grandma Ware. He was so excited!
Earlier in the week, he used the Target gift card from Grandma Burt to get this super cool remote controlled Air Hogs Jet. Such a great toy!!! He's been flying it all around our cul de sac.
We spent the day doing all sorts of fun stuff. We visited storyland/playland and got in lots of cool rides. We also went mini golfing with Maddox, one of Champ's best buds.
The greatest part of the day was our special birthday date night with just Channing.
He chose Red Robin for dinner and got to drink all the root beer his little heart desired.
His face turned a cute shade of red as they sang happy birthday to him.
After dinner, we took Channing to Toys R Us and helped him pick out a special birthday present. We were pleasantly surprised by his choice: a light up solar system. We've all been learning new things about the planets- great choice Chan!!!
Happy Birthday to our dear Channing! What a great six years it has been!
Happy birthday Champ! Sounds like a very fun day, and I really like your Jimmer shirt!