Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ode to Number Seven

The number seven may seem lackluster when kept in line with other numbers; although it does act up, as it has for centuries, in the classic tale of why six was afraid of seven.
It may even seem meaningless when reviewed on its own accord; a typical touchdown and extra point combo until the 1994 NFL season, etc.
Upon further review, a window opens to uncover that across numerous civilizations and many generations of time, the number seven occupies an important place in the society, sociality and overall success of humankind.
The week has seven days, seven colors make up the rainbow, seven is a prime number, we speak of being in 7th heaven, or lucky sevens; there are seven non-accidental notes in the octave.
Other civilizations have used seven to explain other topics, seven directions, seven objects as the only stable configuration of wrapping more than three objects, and seven being the sum of the first 4 Fibonacci numbers, or nature’s proportion.
Historically, the seventh year was a year for the land to rest. Every seventh, seventh year was a year of Jubilee; during which debts were forgiven and released, a proclamation of liberty.  This tradition was reissued in 1880 by John Taylor to forgive debts of the Perpetual Emigration Fund and distribute milk and wheat to the poor.

But, the purpose of this post is something greater, something more elect than all previous honors to the number seven above combined.  The Hebrew root of Seven shares a similar root with saba, which is translated as Full or Complete.

On this morning, July 2, 2011; I celebrate seven years of marriage and, upon reflection of the past seven years, conclude that the best definition of that time and the influence of my spouse is full or complete.
Every day of my life is improved with Mackenzie by my side.  Like a rainbow, MacKenzie lights up my life; in numerous ways, each more beautiful than the other.  So many occasions, during and upon review, my time with her is like I am in seventh heaven.  Just as music aims for harmonic perfection, being with her, hearing her voice, even merely thinking of her while separated, restores a harmony to me, to my life and to our universe.  She is a master composer and all her pieces are in harmony.  I can only hope that someday she will call me her magnum opus.
She has had to work with me; she has a wealth of experience and talent, and combined with patience, I believe she has seen/sees in me what I have always wanted to be; someone worthy of her love.  Amidst all that she has said and done, she is so much finer than anything she has ever said or done. 
She is a wonderful mother and our children are privileged to have her in the home.  I have never seen them learn anything that they hadn’t already learned and been taught in the home.  Nothing.
I am honored to be called her husband and friend; I am privileged to be called a father with her. On this special seventh anniversary, I wish to proclaim to the whole world my love and respect for MacKenzie and my love for the strength, humor and faith that she has distilled upon me and our marriage each of the past 2,555 days.
MacKenzie, I love you and you are one of the few people I know who cause happiness wherever you go.